
Since Elsie is a rather low-level tool, in certain situations it might feel too verbose. For some slides, you may just want to display some text with basic formatting, and you don't want to think about the layout too much.

For such scenarios we provide basic integration with Markdown, located in the elsie.ext extension module, which contains opinionated extensions on top of the Elsie core. Markdown support is provided on a best-effort basis, as it intentionally does not support all Markdown use cases in order to stay simple.

Rendering Markdown markup#

You can pass a snippet of Markdown markup to the markdown function, which will transform it into Elsie elements and render it into the given parent box:

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
# Hello
This text was rendered using **Markdown**

You have to use the CommonMark Markdown syntax.

Supported Markdown subset#

Elsie supports only a subset of Markdown elements. Here is a list of supported elements:

Formatted text#

You can use headings, paragraphs, blockquotes and text formatting (bold/italic). Line breaks in the markup will be respected.

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
**bold text**
*italic text*
**bold *and italic* text**

You can use inline styles inside text to format parts of the text differently. The default escape character is ~, but you can change it with the escape_char parameter of the markdown function.

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
This text is in ~tt{monospace}.

You can also override the default style used to render headings, bold text etc.

Fenced code#

Fenced code blocks will be rendered with syntax-highlighting. Pass the desired language to be highlighted after the initial three backticks, for example:

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
This is Python code:

def say_hello():
    print("Hello world")


You can use both unordered lists and ordered lists and also nest them. Unordered lists support two types of bullet points (- or *), ordered lists support the format <number>.:

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
- Item A
    1. Item B
    1. Item C
- Item D
    * Item E
    * Item F

You can also use Markdown links inside the markup, but this will only affect the formatting of the text. It will not cause the link to be clickable in the resulting PDF, nor will it render an underline. This is a limitation of Inkscape and it might be resolved in the future.

from elsie.ext import markdown

markdown(, """
I am a [link](unused).

Horizontal rules, tables, inline code, images, footnotes and indented code blocks are currently not supported.

Overriding styles#

The markdown function uses a set of predefined styles for formatting bold/italic text, individual levels of headings etc. If the parent box into which you render Markdown already has some of these styles defined, the default style will be overridden by them. Using this overriding you can change the default appearance of the rendered Markdown elements:

from elsie import TextStyle
from elsie.ext import markdown
from elsie.ext.markdown import MD_PARAGRAPH_STYLE

slide.set_style(MD_PARAGRAPH_STYLE, TextStyle(color="red"))

markdown(, "This is a red paragraph.")

Here is a list of the Markdown styles that you can override:

Style name Used for Variable name in elsie.ext.markdown
"md-paragraph" Paragraphs MD_PARAGRAPH_STYLE
"md-bold" Bold text MD_BOLD_STYLE
"md-italic" Italic text MD_ITALIC_STYLE
"md-link" Links MD_LINK_STYLE
"md-blockquote" Blockquotes MD_BLOCKQUOTE_STYLE
"md-heading-<level>" Headings of the given level (1-6) MD_HEADING_<level>_STYLE

You can either use the names directly or import them from the elsie.ext.markdown module.

Fenced code blocks use the standard code style, so you can override that if you want to alter the appearance of code snippets rendered with Markdown.