Module dask_worker
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▶ def main(scheduler, host, worker_port, listen_address, contact_address, nanny_port, ...) 36 decorators @click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True))
@click.argument("scheduler", type=str, required=False)
@click.option( "--tls-ca-file", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="CA cert(s) file for TLS (in PEM format)", )
@click.option( "--tls-cert", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="certificate file for TLS (in PEM format)", )
@click.option( "--tls-key", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="private key file for TLS (in PEM format)", )
@click.option( "--worker-port", default=None, help="Serving computation port, defaults to random. " "When creating multiple workers with --nprocs, a sequential range of " "worker ports may be used by specifying the first and last available " "ports like <first-port>:<last-port>. For example, --worker-port=3000:3026 " "will use ports 3000, 3001, ..., 3025, 3026.", )
@click.option( "--nanny-port", default=None, help="Serving nanny port, defaults to random. " "When creating multiple nannies with --nprocs, a sequential range of " "nanny ports may be used by specifying the first and last available " "ports like <first-port>:<last-port>. For example, --nanny-port=3000:3026 " "will use ports 3000, 3001, ..., 3025, 3026.", )
@click.option( "--bokeh-port", type=int, default=None, help="Deprecated. See --dashboard-address" )
@click.option( "--dashboard-address", type=str, default=":0", help="Address on which to listen for diagnostics dashboard", )
@click.option( "--dashboard/--no-dashboard", "dashboard", default=True, required=False, help="Launch the Dashboard [default: --dashboard]", )
@click.option( "--bokeh/--no-bokeh", "bokeh", default=None, help="Deprecated. See --dashboard/--no-dashboard.", required=False, )
@click.option( "--listen-address", type=str, default=None, help="The address to which the worker binds. Example: tcp://", )
@click.option( "--contact-address", type=str, default=None, help="The address the worker advertises to the scheduler for " "communication with it and other workers. " "Example: tcp://", )
@click.option( "--host", type=str, default=None, help="Serving host. Should be an ip address that is" " visible to the scheduler and other workers. " "See --listen-address and --contact-address if you " "need different listen and contact addresses. " "See --interface.", )
@click.option( "--interface", type=str, default=None, help="Network interface like 'eth0' or 'ib0'" )
@click.option( "--protocol", type=str, default=None, help="Protocol like tcp, tls, or ucx" )
@click.option("--nthreads", type=int, default=0, help="Number of threads per process.")
@click.option( "--nprocs", type=int, default=1, show_default=True, help="Number of worker processes to launch. " "If negative, then (CPU_COUNT + 1 + nprocs) is used.", )
@click.option( "--name", type=str, default=None, help="A unique name for this worker like 'worker-1'. " "If used with --nprocs then the process number " "will be appended like name-0, name-1, name-2, ...", )
@click.option( "--memory-limit", default="auto", show_default=True, help="""\b Bytes of memory per process that the worker can use. This can be: - an integer (bytes), note 0 is a special case for no memory management. - a float (fraction of total system memory). - a string (like 5GB or 5000M). - 'auto' for automatically computing the memory limit. """, )
@click.option( "--reconnect/--no-reconnect", default=True, help="Reconnect to scheduler if disconnected [default: --reconnect]", )
@click.option( "--nanny/--no-nanny", default=True, help="Start workers in nanny process for management [default: --nanny]", )
@click.option("--pid-file", type=str, default="", help="File to write the process PID")
@click.option( "--local-directory", default=None, type=str, help="Directory to place worker files" )
@click.option( "--resources", type=str, default=None, help='Resources for task constraints like "GPU=2 MEM=10e9". ' "Resources are applied separately to each worker process " "(only relevant when starting multiple worker processes with '--nprocs').", )
@click.option( "--scheduler-file", type=str, default=None, help="Filename to JSON encoded scheduler information. " "Use with dask-scheduler --scheduler-file", )
@click.option( "--death-timeout", type=str, default=None, help="Seconds to wait for a scheduler before closing", )
@click.option( "--dashboard-prefix", type=str, default="", help="Prefix for the dashboard" )
@click.option( "--lifetime", type=str, default=None, help="If provided, shut down the worker after this duration.", )
@click.option( "--lifetime-stagger", type=str, default="0 seconds", show_default=True, help="Random amount by which to stagger lifetime values", )
@click.option( "--worker-class", type=str, default="dask.distributed.Worker", show_default=True, help="Worker class used to instantiate workers from.", )
@click.option( "--lifetime-restart/--no-lifetime-restart", "lifetime_restart", default=False, show_default=True, required=False, help="Whether or not to restart the worker after the lifetime lapses. " "This assumes that you are using the --lifetime and --nanny keywords", )
@click.option( "--preload", type=str, multiple=True, is_eager=True, help="Module that should be loaded by each worker process " 'like "" or "/path/to/"', )
@click.argument( "preload_argv", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED, callback=validate_preload_argv )
@click.option( "--preload-nanny", type=str, multiple=True, is_eager=True, help="Module that should be loaded by each nanny " 'like "" or "/path/to/"', )
def main(