Class Cluster

Superclass for cluster objects


class Cluster
source link


This class contains common functionality for Dask Cluster manager classes.

To implement this class, you must provide

1.  A ``scheduler_comm`` attribute, which is a connection to the scheduler
    following the ``distributed.core.rpc`` API.
2.  Implement ``scale``, which takes an integer and scales the cluster to
    that many workers, or else set ``_supports_scaling`` to False

For that, you should get the following:

1.  A standard ``__repr__``
2.  A live IPython widget
3.  Adaptive scaling
4.  Integration with dask-labextension
5.  A ``scheduler_info`` attribute which contains an up-to-date copy of
    ``Scheduler.identity()``, which is used for much of the above
6.  Methods to gather logs


