Class Pub

Publish data with Publish-Subscribe pattern


class Pub
source link


This allows clients and workers to directly communicate data between each
other with a typical Publish-Subscribe pattern.  This involves two

Pub objects, into which we put data:

    >>> pub = Pub('my-topic')
    >>> pub.put(123)

And Sub objects, from which we collect data:

    >>> sub = Sub('my-topic')
    >>> sub.get()

Many Pub and Sub objects can exist for the same topic.  All data sent from
any Pub will be sent to all Sub objects on that topic that are currently
connected.  Pub's and Sub's find each other using the scheduler, but they
communicate directly with each other without coordination from the

Pubs and Subs use the central scheduler to find each other, but not to
mediate the communication.  This means that there is very little additional
latency or overhead, and they are appropriate for very frequent data
transfers.  For context, most data transfer first checks with the scheduler to find which
workers should participate, and then does direct worker-to-worker
transfers.  This checking in with the scheduler provides some stability
guarantees, but also adds in a few extra network hops.  PubSub doesn't do
this, and so is faster, but also can easily drop messages if Pubs or Subs
disappear without notice.

When using a Pub or Sub from a Client all communications will be routed
through the scheduler.  This can cause some performance degradation.  Pubs
and Subs only operate at top-speed when they are both on workers.



>>> pub = Pub('my-topic')
>>> sub = Sub('my-topic')
>>> pub.put([1, 2, 3])
>>> sub.get()
[1, 2, 3]

You can also use sub within a for loop:

>>> for msg in sub:  # doctest: +SKIP
...     print(msg)

or an async for loop

>>> async for msg in sub:  # doctest: +SKIP
...     print(msg)

Similarly the ``.get`` method will return an awaitable if used by an async
client or within the IOLoop thread of a worker

>>> await sub.get()  # doctest: +SKIP

You can see the set of connected worker subscribers by looking at the
``.subscribers`` attribute:

>>> pub.subscribers
{'tcp://...': {},
 'tcp://...': {}}

See also


