Class WorkerState

A simple object holding information about a worker.


class WorkerState
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.. attribute:: address

   This worker's unique key.  This can be its connected address
   (such as ``'tcp://'``) or an alias (such as ``'alice'``).

.. attribute:: processing: {TaskState: cost}

   A dictionary of tasks that have been submitted to this worker.
   Each task state is asssociated with the expected cost in seconds
   of running that task, summing both the task's expected computation
   time and the expected communication time of its result.

   Multiple tasks may be submitted to a worker in advance and the worker
   will run them eventually, depending on its execution resources
   (but see :doc:`work-stealing`).

   All the tasks here are in the "processing" state.

   This attribute is kept in sync with :attr:`TaskState.processing_on`.

.. attribute:: has_what: {TaskState}

   The set of tasks which currently reside on this worker.
   All the tasks here are in the "memory" state.

   This is the reverse mapping of :class:`TaskState.who_has`.

.. attribute:: nbytes: int

   The total memory size, in bytes, used by the tasks this worker
   holds in memory (i.e. the tasks in this worker's :attr:`has_what`).

.. attribute:: nthreads: int

   The number of CPU threads made available on this worker.

.. attribute:: resources: {str: Number}

   The available resources on this worker like ``{'gpu': 2}``.
   These are abstract quantities that constrain certain tasks from
   running at the same time on this worker.

.. attribute:: used_resources: {str: Number}

   The sum of each resource used by all tasks allocated to this worker.
   The numbers in this dictionary can only be less or equal than
   those in this worker's :attr:`resources`.

.. attribute:: occupancy: Number

   The total expected runtime, in seconds, of all tasks currently
   processing on this worker.  This is the sum of all the costs in
   this worker's :attr:`processing` dictionary.

.. attribute:: status: str

   The current status of the worker, either ``'running'`` or ``'closed'``

.. attribute:: nanny: str

   Address of the associated Nanny, if present

.. attribute:: last_seen: Number

   The last time we received a heartbeat from this worker, in local
   scheduler time.

.. attribute:: actors: {TaskState}

   A set of all TaskStates on this worker that are actors.  This only
   includes those actors whose state actually lives on this worker, not
   actors to which this worker has a reference.
