import pytest
netCDF4 = pytest.importorskip("netCDF4")
np = pytest.importorskip("numpy")
from distributed.protocol import deserialize, serialize
from distributed.utils import tmpfile
def create_test_dataset(fn):
with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, mode="w") as ds:
ds.createDimension("x", 3)
v = ds.createVariable("x", np.int32, ("x",))
v[:] = np.arange(3)
g = ds.createGroup("group")
g2 = ds.createGroup("group/group1")
v2 = ds.createVariable("group/y", np.int32, ("x",))
v2[:] = np.arange(3) + 1
v3 = ds.createVariable("group/group1/z", np.int32, ("x",))
v3[:] = np.arange(3) + 2
def test_serialize_deserialize_dataset():
with tmpfile() as fn:
with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, mode="r") as f:
g = deserialize(*serialize(f))
assert f.filepath() == g.filepath()
assert isinstance(g, netCDF4.Dataset)
assert g.variables["x"].dimensions == ("x",)
assert g.variables["x"].dtype == np.int32
assert (g.variables["x"][:] == np.arange(3)).all()
def test_serialize_deserialize_variable():
with tmpfile() as fn:
with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, mode="r") as f:
x = f.variables["x"]
y = deserialize(*serialize(x))
assert isinstance(y, netCDF4.Variable)
assert y.dimensions == ("x",)
assert x.dtype == y.dtype
assert (x[:] == y[:]).all()
def test_serialize_deserialize_group():
with tmpfile() as fn:
with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, mode="r") as f:
for path in ["group", "group/group1"]:
g = f[path]
h = deserialize(*serialize(g))
assert isinstance(h, netCDF4.Group)
assert ==
assert list(g.groups) == list(h.groups)
assert list(g.variables) == list(h.variables)
vars = [
for x in vars:
y = deserialize(*serialize(x))
assert isinstance(y, netCDF4.Variable)
assert y.dimensions == ("x",)
assert x.dtype == y.dtype
assert (x[:] == y[:]).all()
from distributed.utils_test import gen_cluster
import dask.array as da
async def test_netcdf4_serialize(c, s, a, b):
with tmpfile() as fn:
with netCDF4.Dataset(fn, mode="r") as f:
dset = f.variables["x"]
x = da.from_array(dset, chunks=2)
y = c.compute(x)
y = await y
assert (y[:] == dset[:]).all()