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Slide deck#

A presentation (a set of slides) is represented in Nelsie as an instance of SlideDeck class.

from nelsie import SlideDeck

deck = SlideDeck()

In the constructor, you can define some values that will later be used as defaults for each slide; however, each slide can override these values individually. For example, you can define a default size for slides (if not specified, 1024x968 is used):

deck = SlideDeck(width=1920, height=1080)

Note on resolution

Since the main output format is PDF, which is a vector format, the resolution does not define the "quality" of the output, but mostly just the size ratio.

Creating a new slide#

You can create new slides in two ways, either using the new_slide method or using a decorator slide.

The example of using new_slide:

slide = deck.new_slide(bg_color="blue")
slide.text("First slide")  # Put a text into slide

The example of using decorator slide:

def first_slide(slide):
    slide.text("First slide")  # Put a text into slide

The decorator immediately calls the wrapped function that sets the content of the slide. The main function of the decorator is to break slides into individual functions for code clarity.

Rendering the slide deck#

Once all the slides have been created, you can render them into PDF with a .render() call on the slide deck.


You can also get SVG or PNG images from the slides, see the Output formats section for more information.