
Command-line Interface

ORCO contains a simple command line interface designed for running computations.

To use it, you have to pass your created runtime It can be used as follows:

import orco

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

orco.run_cli()  # Start CLI interface

In case you want to create your own Runtime, you can pass it to run_cli, otherwise, a default Runtime is created for you with the db specified by --db parameter or via environment ORCO_DB. To make following commands shorter we expect that environment variable is set as follows: ORCO_DB=sqlite:///my.db.

Let us assume that the script above is saved as adder_cli.py, then we can start computations by executing:

$ python3 adder_cli.py compute <BUILDER_NAME> <CONFIG>

For our example, it can be:

$ python3 adder_cli.py compute adder '{"a": 3, "b": 2}'

You can also start server for ORCO browser by following command:

$ python3 adder_cli.py serve

Help for other commands may be obtained by:

$ python3 adder_cli.py --help

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